310 Synonyms & Antonyms of SOBER

If you have been in recovery for a while you might notice yourself remembering a saying that you heard at a meeting a year ago and using it in your life when you need it. Maybe you have wished at some point that you could write them all down or have them in one place. So, we compiled a list of our favorites that you can refer to at any time!

Chris Howard is the Founder and Director of Ethos Recovery. In Psychology from UCLA and has served as a community advocate/mentor for men and women in recovery since 2010. It is crucial to acknowledge your shortcomings, but this should be a springboard to pursuing your dreams. “I am an alcoholic” must be followed by all of the transformative actions you are taking to seize control of your sobriety. Every thought and deed is amplified on social media until an avalanche of opinions and reactions smothers us.

So far you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. You’re doing great. (Norm Kelly)

When we’re struggling with addiction, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling sorry for ourselves and using alcohol as a way to numb our pain. But the truth is, this kind of thinking is not only unproductive, but it’s also dangerous. In the same way, if you spend enough time around alcohol or are around when people who drink frequently, your head can start playing tricks on you, and eventually, sobriety sayings you will start drinking again too. This might mean seeking out support from friends and family or finding an AA meeting or other form of treatment. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone—there are people who care about you and want you to succeed in your recovery process. By breaking down larger goals into smaller chunks, members of AA are able to make more achievable steps toward sobriety.

Just because someone is a member of your family does not automatically make them part of your support system. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that humor can be an effective coping mechanism for those in recovery from addiction. Sobriety not only improves an individual’s quality of life, but it can also have life-saving benefits. Sobriety typically refers to a person’s decision to abstain from substance use. This statistic can be used to provide hope and motivation to those in early recovery. According to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), individuals who have achieved at least five years of sobriety have a relapse rate of less than 15%.

Why Do People Deny Their Drug Addictions?

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the concept of emotional sobriety, the different stages of recovery, quitting alcohol, and the timeline of benefits that come with continued sobriety. If you’re struggling with alcohol abuse, it’s time to get the help you deserve. When you get rid of the alcohol and really throw yourself into recovery and the AA community, good things happen. When someone struggling with addiction learns to accept their circumstances and live in the present moment, they are much more likely to make better choices about their drinking patterns and behaviors. By not avoiding their problems through substance use or trying to control things beyond their power, they are able to take ownership of their own lives. For many people struggling with addiction, the idea of “living life on life’s terms” can be an intimidating one.

  • Women have a more difficult time with alcohol addiction.
  • We must take responsibility for our actions and start taking steps toward recovery.
  • Instead of spending time and energy trying to get someone else to see or understand you, focus on your own life and choices.
  • We encourage all those struggling with substance use to seek professional help.
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What ultimately matters is finding an approach that works for your needs and lifestyle. No matter what form of addiction support you choose, you can find hope and guidance in these simple yet powerful 12-step inspirational quotes. Rafael is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and as a bilingual/bicultural therapist he has delivered clinical and consultation services in both Mexico and the United States. He has over fifteen-years of diverse experience serving individuals, couples, families and groups.

Get in touch with their own intuition. The answers are inside if we have a process to be introspective. (Dr. Herby Bell)

On the golf course, on a surfboard or while strumming a guitar, Mark teaches the lessons of recovery and life balance. In long-term recovery, Scott has worked in various roles within the treatment field for many years. He enjoys sharing his experience, strength and hope with others as they navigate their own recovery journey. He also understands the importance of “the right fit” – pairing the right treatment experience with an individual’s unique situation, needs, and goals. In 2013, Keri began her addiction treatment career here in Southern California, working with young adults and adolescents first as an overnight staff member and then as a case manager/program director.

What is a sober friend?

Sober friendships are vital to recovery — they encourage you to stay on the path to healing and won't tempt you to use drugs or alcohol. To make sober friendships, you will have to go outside of your comfort zone and push yourself to meet new people.

Then, when it goes off I tell myself that the craving is over & what I’m feeling now is just the anxiety left over. Your addiction likely lasted for a long time, you can’t expect it to go away the day you stop. There are plenty of Your addiction likely lasted for a long time, you can’t expect it to go away the day you stop.

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. (Nelson Mandela)

From there he explored the service industry in a new way, cooking for multiple rehabilitation facilities in San Diego, where nutrition coincides with fostering community through food. He currently operates a culinary solutions service that provides assistance to businesses and private dining experiences. These quotes are pulled from the SMART recovery program, an increasingly popular recovery program.

sober as a sayings

When you chronically abuse alcohol long-term, you can permanently impair your brain’s function in certain ways. For example, chronic, long-term alcohol abuse can cause your brain to shrink or develop dementia. Common nutrients that people develop a deficiency towards when chronically abusing alcohol are thiamine and Vitamin B1. When a person has a deficiency of these two nutrients, it can cause that person to develop Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome include confusion, poor coordination, learning issues, and trouble remembering things. As we’ve just mentioned, the effects of alcohol use can vary depending on how long you’ve been drinking.

Focusing solely on one day allows them to take things slowly and build up momentum over time without feeling overwhelmed by long-term commitments or expectations. Recovery from addiction requires not just abstaining from substance use, but also addressing the underlying spiritual issues that led to addiction in the first place. AA and the 12-step program of AA are designed to help individuals reconnect with their spiritual selves and find a sense of purpose and fulfillment. If you have any questions about these sayings, the AA program, or treatment to stay sober, keep reading, and don’t hesitate to contact Find Addiction Rehabs for help.

  • What you did in the past does not decide who you will be in the future.
  • Having trusted friends or family, sponsors, or mental health professionals in your toolbox will be a big help.
  • An important aspect of the program is learning to let go of self-pity and to start focusing on gratitude for your recovery and embracing positivity.
  • That is why it is so important to remember the good things, no matter how small they may seem.

Two great things about sober fun are waking up without a hangover and remembering the fun. This is why we need emotional sobriety – to be happily sober. Michael D. Stone, MD has been in practice for over 30 years. He graduated from Medical School in 1986 and attended LA County/USC Medical Center Residency in the field of Emergency Medicine.

We cannot change the past, and we cannot predict the future, so taking charge of the here and now is a strong call to action. Studies indicate that anxiety often springs from obsessing over https://ecosoberhouse.com/ factors from the past and future over which we have no control. By refocusing our efforts on the present tense, we may be able to subdue a pervasive sense of panic surrounding our recovery.

sober as a sayings

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